Below are links to articles with video examples that explain and illustrate the exercises used to acquire speed and precision.
- Developing Right Hand Technique
- Minimize Picking Motion in the Right Hand
- Finger Picking (under construction)
- Scales
- Chromatic Scale Across the Strings (under construction)
- Chromatic Scale Up and Down the Fretboard (under construction)
- Diatonic Scales (under construction)
- Chord Progressions
- Chromatic Block Chords (under construction)
- Harmonizing the Minor Scale with Triads (under construction)
- Harmonizing the Major Scale with Triads (under construction)
- Sweep Arpeggios
- Chromatic Arpeggios (under construction)
- Minor Triad Arpeggios with Inversions (under construction)
- Major Triad Arpeggios with Inversions (under construction)
- Harmonizing the Minor Scale with Sweep Arpeggios (under construction)
- Harmonizing the Major Scale with Sweep Arpeggios (under construction)
- Tapping Arpeggios
- Tapping Patterns (under construction)
- Harmonizing the Minor Scale with Tapped Arpeggios (under construction)
- Harmonizing the Major Scale with Tapped Arpeggios (under construction)
- Fingerpicking Arpeggios
- Simple Exercises (under construction)
- Triplet Patterns (under construction)
- Quadruplet Patterns (under construction)
- Sextuplet Patterns (under construction)